
Lecture by Kazumi Oguro ソトコト編集長、小黒一三さんレクチャー

レクチャーでは、創刊10周年を迎えたソトコトの表紙の画像を見せながら、毎号の特集と表紙ビジュアルの裏話をお話いただきつつ、後半は小黒編集長が20年前に設立したアフリカにあるホテルのお話や、ソトコト誌上で行っている「SMILE AFRICA」プロジェクトなどについてご紹介いただきました。このSMILE AFRICAプロジェクトは、読者から使わなくなった運動靴を譲ってもらい、アフリカの子供達にプレゼント。その靴を履いた子供達150人と大人たちも大勢参加したマラソン大会を現地アフリカで開催し、上位者に一年分の奨学金を贈るというもので、高橋尚子さんも参加されています。
The 7th day of workshop. Each group worked on their own reflecting the ideas they got from yesterday's intemediate prsentation.
The lecture by Oguro Kazumi, the chief editor of magazine "Sotokoto" started at 19:30. By showing the images of front pages, he firstly talked about each issue's special features and stories behind it. Then he talked about the hotel he established 20 years ago in Kenya and his project called "Smile Africa" which is giving away to children in Kenya used runnning shoes donated by readers of the magazine. He organized the marathon competition with 150 children with running shoes in Kenya and gave one year scholarship to higher-ranking winners.

He said that he has created a new kewyord in every 3 year to sell magazines better. The keywords he made after 3 years from it's first publication are "small" and "slow". The amount of money he spent to come up with these two keywords was 2.6 billion yen!

There are only 3 days left in the workshop. Everyone must be getting pretty tired physically and mentally. I hope they will be able to do their presentation by using their best ability with no regret!

Ayako Osanai(the cordinator)

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