
Lecture by Song Dong 宋冬(ソン・ドン)レクチャー


午後3時からは、中国人アーティスト宋冬/ソン・ドンさんによるレクチャーがおこなれ、現在NYのMoMAで展示中の作品「Waste Not/物尽其用」を中心に、お話いただきました。一見ゴミとしか思えない溢れんばかりのモノが、作品として提示されることで、誰かの記憶を喚起し、物語を紡いでいく。そんな、宋冬さんの作品を通して生まれた様々なコミュニケーションの連なりは、今後も作品と共に世界を巡っていくことでしょう。参加者の皆さんも、作品が生まれるに至った経緯とその目的を余すところなく伺うことができ、作品についてより深く知ることができた様です。また同時に、「ゴミ」とはいったい何なのか、改めて考えるきっかけを得たようです。


On the 2nd day of workshop, participants presented what they have been doing and making. The participants include 14 students from University of the Arts London, 8 artists living in Tokyo Wonder Site Aoyama, 20 general participants and the total number of participants is over 40. So the presentation didn't finish even after 4 hours, then some of it will continue the next day.

The lecture by Sond Dong, the artist from China started at 15:00. He mainly talked about his exhibition titled "Waste Not" in MoMA in New York. The objects seem to be only rubbish arouse somebody's memory and tell life story of that person by exhibiting them as an art work. That circle of communication created by his work will continue travelling all around the world. His lecture seemed to be an another opportunity for participants to think about what really rubbish is.

Ayako Osanai(the cordinator)


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