
Last Tutorial 最後のチュートリアル


9th day. The last tutorial was hold. Chris's wife,Anne Lydiat who herself is an artis came along and talked with participants as well.

Group 4
Video, slides, drawing, collage and three dimension...they are planning to use all these media in final presentaion. In the middle of studio, there were tiny houses made out of blue plastic sheets and cardboards(they are usually used to build temporary houses by homeless poeple in Japan).

Group 3
In this stage, they are not too sure how they are going to do final presentaion yet. But they said they will create installation made out of videos and pictures with performances they did on street and parks.

Group 2
対話の結果、「IS THIS A WASTE OF LIFE?」と書かれた名刺サイズのカードを500枚作成。裏面には日本の自殺による死亡者数(年間)が明記されています。この日はグループメンバーが様々な場所に配布しに出かけてしまい、スタジオには一人がお留守番中でした。
After the long discussion, they have decided to made 500 cards which size is about the same size as a name card. In the back of the card, the number of people who committed suicide last year in Japan is printed. The members of the group were all gone during tutorial to hand out cards except one member stayed in the studio.

Group 1
They all have different backgrounds, they had decided that they all were going to create video works(there are members who never have shoot anything!). Everyday they have been performing actively in Ueno and parks. Even though this group has difficulty of communicating each other due to many different languages, they all seems to enjoying it:)

After the tutorial, they went to opening reception of exhibition of Shinji Ohmaki "Zekkei - Vacuum Fluctuation" in TWS Shibuya. Some of them went back to studios after the exhibition to work on their works since tomorrow is finally final presentation!

Ayako Osanai

0801 Tutorial and TWS Shibuya Opening

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